Second RELTIF Authors' Meeting

1-2 July 2016


Hosted by CSEF with the support of Unicredit & Universities Foundation


1-2 July 2016

The CEPR/ Assonime Programme on Restarting European Long-Term Investment Finance (RELTIF) is now in its second phase. In January 2015, the programme produced its first report (a Green Paper) on European corporate finance.

This identified a number of areas of research it was intended should be pursued in the second phase. Following a meeting of academic researchers in Oxford in March 2015, a call for proposals for research projects relevant to the research programme was put out and in response a large number of proposals were received.

From this, 14 papers were selected for inclusion in the second phase research, which will run from August 2015 until July 2016. The Authors’ of these 14 papers presented their research findings at the Authors’ Meeting in January 2016, hosted by Università Luigi Bocconi, Milan, as well as the second meeting in Capri. 

For further logistical information and the papers of this workshop, please go to